eVendor Check Revolutionizes the Vendor Selection Process
eVendor Check is a survey tool that generates reliable, accurate and comprehensive reports that can assess the performance of up to 10 vendor candidate companies for each inquiry.
Reports are compiled using confidential survey responses from as many as 10 current and/or past clients for up to 60 individual references for every vendor candidate company. With this defined survey methodology, you can get more complete and accurate results fewer staff resources.
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[Sub]A Quick and Cost-Effective Process
The eVendor Check Method means:

  • Average turnaround time for each vendor survey – 48 hours
  • Takes only 10 minutes of your staff’s time per vendor candidate company
  • Costs are usually lower than traditional vetting methods while providing 10 to 20 times the data provided by phone reference checking

[Sub]Comprehensive, Accurate Reports
[insert sample report single screen shot]
With eVendor Check, you can:

  • Compare vendor candidates on product and service specifics and vendor performance benchmarks
  • Quantity of comparable data and text enable more accurate, fact-based decisions
  • Low-rated companies may be removed from consideration early in the process, saving time and expense later

[Sub]Vendor Participation and Benefits
eVendor Check Provides:

  • Confidentiality for individual references plus liability releases from vendor candidate companies to enable you to obtain candid, reliable information
  • Thorough documentation and archiving of due diligence process to increase good vendor match for better, more mutually beneficial and successful relationships

[Sub]Fully Automated, Interoperable System
eVendor Check gives you:

  • Fully automated, web-based program (SAAS model)
  • Easy to learn and use interface, support provided
  • Interface with procurement software systems

[Sub] Product Offerings
Basic Survey/Report: Available Now

  • 2 surveys – product-based and service-based
  • Customizable

Standard Survey/Report: Available Soon

  • 50+ surveys
  • Customizable

Custom-built Survey/Report: Available Now

  • Researched and developed for specialized requirements
  • Call for more information about our pre-tailored options
eVendor Check, Inc. (patent pending)(c) 2009, eVendor Check, Inc. All rights reserved.