Maggie's Ball

Coming in Spring 2010

Maggie’s Ball
Greenwillow Books 2010

This is Maggie’s Ball.
Now all Maggie needs
is a friend to play with.
Will you help her find one?

Alfred Digs

Alfred Digs
Greenwillow Books 2008

What would you do
if your pet ant escaped
from her ant farm?
Would you follow her?
Even if you had promised your Mama
to eat your pie,
and drink your milk,
and stay in your cozy burrow?

In The Garden

In the Garden: Who’s Been Here?
Greenwillow Books 2008

Christina and Jeremy have been sent
to the garden to gather vegetables
for dinner.
But they quickly realize that they are not
the first visitors to the garden today.

Keep your eyes open and join
Christina and Jeremy
on a scientific journey
in their own backyard!

The Secret

The Secret
Greenwillow Books 2005

Can you keep the secret?
Can you really?
But what if it is
the most exciting,
the very best,
the most delicious secret
that has ever been whispered
in your ear?

Inside Outside Mouse
Inside Mouse, Outside Mouse
Greenwillow Books 2004
Pennsylvania ‘One Book Every Young Child’ selection

Once there was an inside mouse and
an outside mouse.
One day they both went on a trip.
They traveled up, down, across, around,
through, between, behind, over and under
until they finally met
in the middle.

Pick, Pull ,Snap Pick, Pull, Snap! (illustrator)
Greenwillow Books 2003
Notable Children’s Book in the Language Arts
Texas Library Association 2 x 2 Reading List

In the orchard, a honey bee buzzes.
Its legs brush pollen
inside a fragrant pink flower.

A small green fruit begins to grow
and grow and grow…

Peaches and peas and even peanuts –
they all begin with a flower:

Open this book
and find out!

My Bunny and Me My Bunny and Me
Greenwillow Books 2001

A boy draws a rabbit on a piece of paper.
Then he thinks of all the things
he and the rabbit could do together –
if only the rabbit were real.

Around the World Around the World: Who’s Been Here?
Greenwillow Books 1999

NSTA/CBC Outstanding Science Trade Books for Children

What would you see and hear
if you traveled to every corner
of the world in search of wildlife ?
Here is the answer –
and your passport to adventure.

The 4th book in the Who’s Been Here? series.

Around The Pond Around the Pond: Who’s Been Here?
Greenwillow Books 1996

Cammy and William follow an old deer path
around the pond in search of blueberries.
But they find a lot more.
Clue after clue tells them what kind of animal
has been there before.
Share their adventure in this companion to
In the Woods: Who’s Been Here?
and In the Snow: Who’s Been Here?

In The Snow In the Snow: Who’s Been Here?
Greenwillow Books 1995

It’s winter in the woods.
Come follow the snow-covered trail
with William and Cammy.
Clue after clue tells them what animal
has been there and left its trace behind.
Join them for another journey of discovery
in this companion book to
In the Woods: Who’s Been Here?

In The Woods

In the Woods: Who’s Been Here?
Greenwillow Books 1995
American Bookseller Pick of the Lists
Children’s Literature Award

Come follow the trail with William and Cammy.
Clue after clue tells them what bird or animal has
been there before.
Join them in a journey of discovery.

Secret Places

Secret Places (illustrator)
Greenwillow Books 1993

At some time in our lives almost every one
of us has found refuge in a secret place.
The poets in this anthology describe 19 of them.
Some are imagined or found in a book.
But all are secret, and all are perfect.

Christmas at Long Pond Christmas at Long Pond (illustrator)
Greenwillow Books 1992

At Long Pond the winter day begins.
In the morning, a father and son
slowly make their way around the pond.
On their toboggan is the Christmas tree
the father has cut down.
This fourth book brings another season
at Long Pond to life.
Fishing at Long Pond Fishing at Long Pond (illustrator)
Greenwillow Books 1991
NSTA/CBC Outstanding Science Trade Books for Children
ABA “Pick of the Lists”

Katie and her grandfather are fishing
on Long Pond. Perhaps today Katie
will catch her first bass.
Aside from fishing, there is so much to see.
In this third book about Long Pond,
a child’s delight and excitement about the natural world
is captured in sights and sounds.

Box Turtle at Long Pond Box Turtle at Long Pond (illustrator)
Greenwillow Books 1989

NSTA/CBC Outstanding Science Trade Books for Children
Library of Congress “Books of the Year”

It is dawn at Long Pond.
Box Turtle’s red eyes look out
from his shelter within a crumbling tree,
and his day begins…

Bever at Long Pond Beaver at Long Pond
Greenwillow Books 1988

Dusk at Long Pond.
Most of the animals have settled down
for the night.
But not so Beaver.
Night is his day and his adventures are just beginning.

NSTA/CBC Outstanding Science Trade Books for Children

William and Boomer William and Boomer
Greenwillow Books 1987

When William and his father found a baby goose, it was a fuzzy yellow ball.
They named it Boomer.
Soon Boomer followed William wherever he went.
But when Boomer went swimming,
William had to wait on shore.
This book chronicles the story
of 2 young friends -
one human, one feathered.