FAQ's Duck

A few frequently asked questions...

Q: What is your favorite animal?
A: I really do love all animals.
I especially love to paint animals with hair - but then I love painting whales and penguins and snakes...
let me just say that all critters are my favorites.

Q: What is your favorite book that you’ve made?
A: This is a tough question, because I love all the books that I’ve made, and for different reasons.
I love the first (William and Boomer) because it was the first. I love Maggie’s Ball because I just finished it and it’s still in my head and I was able to paint my new puppy, Maggie.
I love the nature books because I love to make things look real, 3-dimensional, on a flat piece of paper...and also because I love all things natural.

So...I don’t have a favorite (but I am partial to Maggie’s Ball and Alfred Digs).

Q: What is your favorite color?
A: This one is easy - I love pink.

Q: What made you want to be a children’s book writer and illustrator?
A: I love to draw. I love telling stories.
Making books for children combines the two things that I love to do.
Children love animals (so do I), and making books for them is a wonderful way to spend one’s life.

Q: What is your favorite book that you have read?
A: I loved and still love reading The Little Prince.
Still can’t read it without crying.

Q: How old are your children now?
A: My daughter, Campbell, is 22 years old.
And my son William is 24 .

Q: How many pets do you have?
A: At present, I have a mini Dachshund, Maggie,
2 cats and a very handsome duck living in my house.
But that could change at any moment.
